More About Me

Knowing that you would potentially get along with your REALTOR® is a huge advantage!

Knowing that you would potentially get along with your REALTOR® is a huge advantage! Seeing eye to eye with someone helping you, with what is quite possibly the largest investment of your lifetime, is an asset that cannot be overstated. This will save everyone time throughout the process, as well as, give you peace of mind that your advocate truly understands what it is you are hoping to accomplish.

So, try to find a REALTOR® that "fits" YOU. Here is a bit about me to help you decide if we might be that perfect fit.The majority of my life I have been able to help support my family through self-employed means. Either through contracts within the nonprofit sector or an event planning and rental business that I began back in 2016. Succeeding under the pressures and responsibility of starting and operating your own business is definitely a strength that I bring to the table when representing my clients. I also served as the Executive Director for the Colorado Glazing Contractors Association (CGCA) since 1997.

My 3 children have also given me perspective to relate to my clients. They were born, 2001, 2002 and 2013. So yes, there was a previous marriage of 13 years. However, the third child my husband (since 2012) and I chose to have together will most definitely keep us young for years to come. All three of them are a blessing beyond words! I share this personal information because I truly believe these life experiences help all of us relate to each other before tackling the challenges of real estate.  Let's change the process of buying and selling real estate from a stressful ordeal, into a triumph, shared between you and the expert in whom you entrusted this life experience of your own.

I am married to a General Contractor who specializes in designing and building custom homes. He has a "Class A" license which is rare and difficult to acquire. I am quite proud of the career and portfolio of projects he has completed with M & W Homes since 2000. His father has been building 30 years before him. This is yet another benefit I offer to my clients should they seek to find something not already on the market today. 

As an individual, I can tell you I grew up as a Military Brat, specifically the Marine Corps, and probably saw places around the world that I didn't truly appreciate until now. I have only one sibling, a sister 20 months younger. Daily she gives to others in her career as a Physical Therapist including time at Walter Reed Medial Center caring for returning amputees and victims of traumatic brain injury. She continues this profession in spite of several physical challenges she herself has preserved through since birth and will remain one of my personal heroes in life for her strength of character and determination. My own determination was tested in 2023, when I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. My entire family understands now first-hand why people describe this awful disease as a fight! Thankfully I am presently Cancer-Free.

I maintain a soft spot for the Chicago Bears and Green Bay Packers (from my parents) while I help my husband raise a Vikings/Broncos fan. I prefer Pepsi over Coke, Android over "i" Anything, love the color Blue, favorite number is 22 and admit to playing video games with my youngest. 

Working with me as your REALTOR is, in a word, "Refreshing." I try not to mince words and communicate the reality of any situation, never succumbing to hypocrisy - my all-time pet peeve. You are hiring my expertise and sugar coating anything in this industry gets us both nowhere. With me you can rest assured you will get the BEST representation and results, nothing less; EVER.

